Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Welcome - Let the scrawl begin!

This year will see the launch of our new art group, Sardine Limousine. I think this name is appropriate because art and creativity is another thing we all would like to, or need to, squeeze into our busy and at times, fast-paced lives. Let's hope our new little group will breathe creativity and fresh air into 2010.

So what does it involve?
- A monthly task focussing on a particular artform/medium centred around a set theme.
- 2 hour weekly workshop
- Perhaps a 15 minutes skill-building activity to kick-off each workshop. I need to give this a little more thought - watch this space!

What equipment do we need to get started?
- A visual arts diary is a good place to start. This is where you can play around with ideas and practise techniques.
- A range of lead pencils, sharpener and eraser is essential.
- Any stuff needed for the set task.
- An ultra funky, ultra chic bag to carry all your stuff in (optional of course).

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