Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Task 5: Bright! Bold! Bent! (Acrylic Paint)

Task 5 will commence on Tuesday, 1st June 2010.

Okay ladies, it's out with the black and in with the bright, bold and bent. This month we're aiming for quirky, bizarre, odd, unusual, eccentric, weird, peculiar, uncanny, eerie or just downright creepy creations.

For this task, we'd like you to explore the world of art and find a picture that you'd like to either innovate on or replicate.

I've started to have a bit of a search for some inspirational pieces. I'll try and add to these over the next week.

A few quirky finds so far:

The Waiter by Vuittonet

Something from our good friend Pablo:

Bubblegum Betty by The Black Apple

A Cagey Bee has some pretty cool stuff:

Or if it really takes your fancy you could always take a leaf out of Brad Goodell's portfolio (ahem):

Barbie and Ken as Grant Woods American Gothic.


- canvas or paper
- acrylic paints
- palette
- paintbrushes, sponges - anything that can be used to apply paint
- easel if needed
- bucket for water (small jars don't really cut it)
- rag

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